Adventure – Drifting to Driftless

Adventure, Drifting to Driftless

“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.” 

~ J.R.R. Tolkein

Date Night: The Revenant

Date Night: The Revenant

Date Night: The Revenant Julie and I had a chance to go out for Date Night, and we decided to get some dinner and see a movie.  We originally decided to see The Big Short based on recommendations from Danny and Ryan (our boys) who saw the movie this week.  Julie and I...

Warehouse Winery: January Wine Down Wednesday

Warehouse Winery: January Wine Down Wednesday

Warehouse Winery: January Wine Down Wednesday The stars peaked through the hazy night sky as the might Blooms-Mobile shot through the darkness towards David and Jen's house.  Julie and I were running a tad late on Date Night, and mainly it was my fault.  I requested...

Northwoods in November – Part 2

Northwoods in November – Part 2

Northwoods in November - Part 2 On November 29, 2015, I towed my little utility trailer to the northwoods in Burnett County, Wisconsin, for storage.  I had to get another vehicle in my driveway, and with the continued success and inventory of my wife's wedding and...

Northwoods in November – Part 1

Northwoods in November – Part 1

Northwoods in November - Part 1 Two weekends ago, I had an opportunity to leave the Twin Cities and get back to the Northwoods of Minnesota and Wisconsin.  We had not gotten a big snow at the time, but a front was approaching from the west.  The weather forecasters...

Date Night Adventure: Warehouse Winery

Date Night Adventure: Warehouse Winery

The Adventure Begins The rain came down in sheets last Wednesday night as Redbeard, Jenny, Julie and I ventured out into the night.  I pressed the accelerator down, and the mighty Bloomsmobile splashed through puddles and skimmed over the large lake that had formed...