It’s Day 2 of the Renew You Kickstart, and today’s topic is Basic Movement. As Julie and I have been saying over and over in previous podcasts and articles: this is about starting where you are. Some of us are keyboard warriors and have been living cube farms for some time; we are not ready for triathalons, marathons or lifting heavy weights.

Michael Bell – Coach and Bodybuilder

health and fitness, 24 hour plan, renew you, movement
Michael Bell

To help discuss this topic, I brought in my friend Michael Bell to discuss Basic Movement. Michael is a husband, dad, urban farmer, PE teacher, competitive bodybuilder and a fitness coach. Michael has coached more than 300 people over 20 years, and he spent some time with us to discuss starting this journey using Basic Movement exercises.

To Listen to the Day 2: Basic Movement Podcast

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Starting Your Basic Movement

Miles 4 Mom Challenge, walking, running, family, beach, healthy lifestyle, workout, marathon, basic movement
Miles 4 Mom Challenge: some would walk, some would run, some would observe – December 2017

The key is to start low and slow. While some of us used to be athletes or quite active a few years ago, the reality is that we are not ready to run marathons, bike 100’s of miles and swim the English Channel. Doing so would result in some serious muscle strain and soreness (at best) or injury (even worse).

Start low impact exercises:

  • Walk around the block
  • Do some crunches, ushups, squats (over a chair) and lunges
  • Swim a few laps in the pool
  • Use a stationary bike or go biking
  • Go to Yoga classes

Go slow. You can increase your strength using your own body weight. We want you to slowly build muscle and improve your strength before you add weight or spend money on a coach. As you will hear in this podcast, Michael has some opinions about coaches at the local gym or YMCA.

24 Hour Plan

health and fitness, 24 hour plan, renew you, basic movement
Some days go down like that!

As Julie discussed in the Day 1 article about the 24 Hour Plan, the movement section on the worksheet is on the right hand side in the upper corner under sleep and water. The goal on the 24 Hour Plan is to write it down and COMMIT to doing this movement. If you’ve been running 5 times a week and lifting weights and exercising consistently, maybe make a goal to level up in some way. Remember: this is YOUR plan!

Resources and Questions

If you have questions for Michael Bell, please contact him. You can private message him using Facebook Messanger or send him a Direct Message in Instagram. In my own experience, I know Michael is very helpful and very response, especially on Instagram!

Of course, you can always contact Julie and me on the Contact Page here on Small Scale Life or at realsmallscalelife [at] gmail [dot] com.

Get after it, Lifers! Good luck on Day 2!

To Listen to the Day 2: Basic Movement Podcast

Click the following media player or click the download button to listen to the podcast

Listen to the podcast on this media player or click download link

 Download MP3 (17.7 MB)