by Tom | Sep 27, 2019 | Blog, Building Community, Simple Living
Our best is yet to come. Do you believe that statement for your life? I have a feeling that a lot of you just laughed when I asked that question, rolled your eyes and muttered, “Yeah, right.” It is true, however. I have been accused of being overly positive by some,...
by Tom | May 31, 2019 | Building Community, Simple Living
We are all going to die someday. It might be today, tomorrow or years in the future. We don’t know when, where or how. We can’t stop it, and it is part of the life cycle. Knowing this, the question is: how are you leaving a legacy for those who come behind you (future...
by Tom | Jan 30, 2019 | Homesteading, Podcast, Simple Living
Old Man Winter has struck back at us meddling kids in the north country with a vengeance. All across the Upper Midwest of the United States, temperatures have dropped below zero, and the wind chills are approaching -50 degrees Fahrenheit. The extreme cold is life...
by Tom | Nov 21, 2018 | Podcast, Simple Living
Happy Thanksgiving, Lifers! I hope you have a great Thanksgiving planned. If you have been to Small Scale Life this week, you know Julie and I have been busy trying to get recipes posted up on the website to help you with your Thanksgiving preparations. To listen to...
by Tom | Nov 14, 2018 | Podcast, Simple Living
In this episode of Small Scale Life, Julie and I discuss what we are doing to try to focus on what is real, what is important and what we can do to start Minimizing Time Commitments while Maximizing Life. As yourself these questions (and be honest when...
by Julie Domres | Nov 6, 2018 | Podcast, Simple Living
As we go through life, we collect things: ideas, people and stuff. Sometimes these collections get out of control and can sap our most precious resources: our time, our money and our energy. The solution is to declutter and eliminate some of those...