Mn this episode of the Small Scale Life Podcast, Julie and I talk with Maria the Intuitive Energy Healer about the Full Moon Energies, the importance of community, and our 2022 Guiding Words.

Who is Maria the Intuitive Energy Healer? 

How to Raise Your Vibes with Maria the Energy Healer

Maria the Intuitive Energy Healer has been practicing over 6 years and helps people heal naturally and coaches people to achieve their goals and live their best life.  Julie and I have been meeting with Maria since the Fall of 2020, and she has helped us work through decisions and issues.

In a way, Maria helped us see beyond Eagles Ridge and what was possible.  Opening our eyes lead us to Driftless Oaks Farm…and we have been truly blessed for that decision.

Maria the Intuitive Energy Healer was on Episode 186.  Youn can listen to that episode by click on this text.

To connect with Maria, use the following links:






During the episode, Julie, Maria and I talk about setting up morning routines, and Maria had recently been on the Better Brave Podcast talking about that.  You can find that podcast episode by clicking this text.

To learn more, get useful guides and find out about her events, you should subscribe to Maria’s email list.  You can do that on her website. 

Hungry? You should Buy Meat from Adam Rick’s A Modern Frontier Farms

Regen Ag, Regenerative Agriculture, Grass Fed Farm, Small Business, Amish

Listening to this discussion about Full Moon Energies and 2022 Guiding Words might make you hungry.  Imagine if you had some great tasting beef, pork or chicken ready to go!  Where could a person get something like that?  As I mentioned in previous episodes of the Small Scale Life Podcast, you can now buy quality grass fed meat at the following site:


Meat Boxes Currently for Sale:


A Butcher’s Dozen Ground Beef

13 pounds of grass fed ground beef, packed in 1 pound packages.


1/8 Grass Fed Beef Box

Approximate Pounds per Box = 35-37


NEW: 1/4 Pastured Pork Box

Approximate Pounds per Box = 23-24


Use code SMALL (in all caps) and you will get $25 off and beef, pork or chicken box.  That’s right, use code SMALL (in all caps) and get $25 off!


You can chat with Adam on the site if you have any questions, or you can email him at


For full disclosure: this is not an affiliate for me or Small Scale Life. I want to help a friend get this business going.  I receive no payments or percentages from any sales; I am just helping a friend out.


Hall of Heroes – Gratitude

hall of heroes, gratitude, practicing gratitude quote

“It’s hard to have a bad day when you START your day with gratitude.”

As part of intentionally Practicing Gratitude, I am starting this podcast episode by recognizing some folks who have been active on Small Scale Life.

These folks have reached the Hall of Heroes for this episode of the Small Scale Life Podcast:

  • Maria the Intuitive Energy Healer – Maria s a great guest and has been on the Small Scale Life Podcast before, and we are always thankful when she is on our show.  We learn a lot about energy healing, full moon energies and small business.  I have a future episode with her were we talk about small business and setting up small business cells to help others get moving on their side hustles and small businesses.  Be looking for that next week!
  • Lettie Loo from the Liberty All Day Podcast and Fireside Freedom Creators Podcasts – Lettie has been a great moderator and commenter on the MN-WI Homestead Chat Group on Telegram, the Small Scale Life Chat Group on Telegram. She has also been all over the Living Free in Tennesse Chat, TSP Discord and A Farmish Kind of Life Chat and Discord.  Whew!  She was also on the Small Scale Life Podcast a while back and I will be getting her back on the show to discuss her journey from Illinois to Northern Wisconsin.
  • Heather from Hey Big Splendor on Instagram – She shared the 200th Episode of the Small Scale Life Podcast on her Instagram page and has been making a lot of good comments on our posts.  Please follow her at Hey Big Splendor on Instagram and check out her website at!
  • Reena from Pine Hill Cottage on Instagram – Reena has been posting photos of her homestead in Northwestern Wisconsin and commenting on our photos (Small Scale Life and Driftless Oaks Farm).  She lives in a magical place, so go follow Pine Hill Cottage on Instagram and see what I am talking about.
  • Jake and Greg Burns from the Contrary Beekeepers Show and Nature’s Image Farm – Greg is good friend and a good guy and has been a guest on the Small Scale Life Podcast.  Greg and hist son Jake recently posted a video that gave me goose bumps.  It is all about neing part of a community and being a lighthouse.  If you are going through a hard time and need to feel something positive, you need to watch this video.  The direct link to the video is here.  Watch it!
  • Thank all of you for listening to this podcast episode, and if you want a shout out in our next Hall of Heroes, get active and participate on Small Scale Life.

What are you grateful for?  Maybe you should tell that person or that organization (or favorite podcaster).  Give it a try!

If you want to be on the show, please reach out to me at!



Listen to this Episode!

Full Moon Energies, 2022 Guiding Words, Maria the intuitive Energy Healer, Tom, Julie, Wellness

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