Hybrid Rain Gutter Grow System Update – 9/28/16

Fall is officially here: leaves are changing; temperatures are cooler; farmers are in their fields harvesting crops.  I can’t believe that summer is gone and rapidly becoming a distant memory.  I have to say, however, that while I might have lost some opportunities with my raised beds and vertical gardens (for one reason or another), my Hybrid Rain gutter Grow System and Wicking Bed have performed above expectations!  I really am surprised that I can grow this much food on my driveway in Dollar Tree laundry baskets and landscape fabric.  It really boggles the mind and makes me wonder if I can improve on this system next year.  Posts will be coming in the near future with my thoughts on each system and how to build these systems.

Hybrid Rain Gutter Grow System

Hybrid Rain Gutter Grow System; peppers; hydroponics; Larry Hall; Grow Bag Garden System; dill; herbs; jalapenos; wicking beds

The Hybrid Rain Gutter Grow System is still continuing to produce at this late stage of the 2016 season – 09/27/16

The Hybrid Rain Gutter Grow System (HRGGS) are both showing their value and abilities.  I have a great crop of peppers, cucumbers and jalapenos coming from these two systems.  The plants in the wicking bed are VERY healthy and producing a bumper crop of green peppers and cucumbers!  A summary of the Hybrid Rain Gutter Grow System is provided below.

    • The surviving jalapenos continue to be really productive
  • Many blossoms and fruit already
  • I will be harvesting jalapenos this weekend
Green Peppers
    • Green peppers have struggled in the HRGGS due to soil conditions
  • Several plants have peppers on them; they have rebounded nicely
  • Not as healthy or productive as the wicking bed
  • The dill plant is a little taller than me (about 6′ tall)!
  • Ready for harvest and pickles!
Hybrid Rain Gutter Grow System; peppers; hydroponics; Larry Hall; Grow Bag Garden System; dill; herbs; jalapenos; wicking beds

The dill in the Hybrid Rain Gutter Grow System is almost 6 feet tall – 9/27/16

Wicking Bed

Trellis; Wicking Bed; Rain Gutter Grow System; Hybrid Rain Gutter Grow System; Peppers; Cucumbers; Jalapenos; Dill; Wicking; Raised Bed

The Wicking Bed has been a superstar this year! 9/27/16

The Wicking Bed has been the superstar of my gardens this year.  It really has surpassed my expectations, and I am very pleased with the growth of the plants, quality of the produce and the volume produced by plants in this system.  I have never grown green pepper plants with this many peppers and of this quality before!  I am very impressed, and I will be experimenting with another similar system next year.  In the meantime, below is a summary of the plants in this system.

Wicking Bed
  • Cucumbers are simply loving the wicking bed
    • I have harvested more than 4 gallons of cucumbers already this season (most of the harvested cucumbers came from this system)
  • More cucumber buds are on the vines
  • Leaves are showing a nitorgen deficiency; I will add a coffee “tea” to the soil to boost the nitrogen levels
Wicking Bed
Green Peppers
    • This system has grown the best green peppers I have ever had
  • Several plants have multiple peppers on them and continue to produce
  • I would put my peppers up against store peppers; this system is that good!
Trellis; Wicking Bed; Rain Gutter Grow System; Hybrid Rain Gutter Grow System; Peppers; Cucumbers; Jalapenos; Dill; Wicking; Raised Bed

Green Peppers have been simply fantastic in this wicking bed. I have never had so many and such big peppers. 9/27/16


I have posted a video update on the Small Scale Life YouTube Channel.  Please share this post and this video on your social media platforms.  Remember: you can grow food anywhere, even on your driveway, if you have sun, water and soil!