Kwitchyerbellyakin Fitness Challenge

Cookies, candy, beer, wine, champagne, big meals, big gatherings, big parties….yes, the holidays are here!  How are you feeling?  The shirt, pants and belt getting a little tight?  Maybe its time to get busy, get moving and lose that weight.  Need some motivation?  We have your motivation right here.  Starting on January 1, 2016, we are launching the Kwitchyerbellyakin Fitness Challenge!

The goal of this challenge is for you to get active, work out, lose weight, and have fun.  We are also hoping to build a strong, active fitness community.  After looking around Facebook and Twitter, I have noticed that there are few fitness and weightloss groups to join.  Most seem to be private clubs, crossfit groups or gyms.  It would be great to have a vibrant and active group once this is complete.

Start 2016 with a Goal

Danny Domres in 3rd Place at the 2015 Monster Dash

Danny Domres crossing the finish line in 3rd Place at the Monster Dash on 10/31/15

We can do amazing things if we have the vision, mission, goals and work ethic.  Not all of us can come in Third Place of a 10-mile race like Danny Domres (pictured above courtesy of Team Orto).  Some of us can need time and extra motivation to work out and get in shape.  The beauty of the Kwitchyerbellyakin Fitness Challenge is that you can exercise at your own pace and track the duration of your workout.  Results are tabulated weekly, and weekly winners are awarded.  Again, this challenge is at your own pace, at your own intensity and at an exercise/activity of your own choice.

Fitness Challenge Rules

The following are the Kwitchyerbellyakin Fitness Challenge Rules (subject to change; please see the Facebook page for the most current rules):

  1. You can only win the weekly prize once in 8-weeks (Once you win, you will still be eligible for the overall top three finisher prizes).
  2. Pedometer, Fitbit, Smartphone, or Smartwatch miles/steps do not count unless part of an intentional workout (i.e., going on a 3 mile run/walk).
  3. All money paid will be going to prizes (divided between the overall top three finishers, eight weekly prizes, and 2 door prizes, to be drawn on the final day for anyone who participated in the competition and did not win a prize).
  4. Prizes will be based on amount of money collected for participation.
  5. Anyone is eligible to sign-up until January 7, 2015. If you start late, your workouts will not count until the day your email/payment is received.
  6. ALL POINTS MUST BE TURNED IN BY 11:59 PM EACH THURSDAY!  The Kwitchyerbellyakin Fitness Challenge starts on a Friday, and in order to count for weekly prizes, Fitness Challenge Staff will not hunt people down for their points earned.

How Do You Earn Points?

YMCA pool lanes

Pool Lanes are Open!

Points are earned based on the duration of activity.  Please see the following points per activity (subject to change; please see the Facebook page for the most current rules):

Exercise Points
Run/Walk 5 (per mile)
Elliptical 5 (for each 15 min)
Bike 5 (for each 15 min)
Rowing 5 (for each 10 min)
Swim 5 (for each 1/4 mile)
Stepper 5 (for each 10 min)
Cardio/Crossfit Class 25 (for each Hour)
Yoga/Barre/Pilates 25 (for each Hour)
Lifting Weights 5 (for each 20 min)
Other 5 (for each 20 min)

It’s Up to You

As one of the founders of the Kwitchyerbellyakin Fitness Challenge, I would encourage you to join the challenge. From my experience with the 100-Day Swim Challenge, these challenges are great ways to get active, lose weight, get fit and have some fun.  Yes, there is a chance to earn prizes each week and at the end of the competition, but the Kwitchyerbellyakin Fitness Challenge is more about getting started on a new path to a healthier and happier you.

[tweetthis]Start slow & build from there. Be consistent & persistent. Build a new habit ; you will not be disappointed.[/tweetthis]

Sign up today!

Learn. Do. Grow.