Midweek Motivation is a weekly episode featuring the wisdom and stories of host Tommy Cakes. In this episode, Tommy discusses Going Full Throttle on life, projects and major efforts. It is up to you: if you want to have success, you have to go full throttle!
In case you are having trouble understanding the audio file, the following is a translation of the audio file from host Tommy Cakes.
Are you ready? Here is the audio for this podcast….
Who is Tommy Cakes?
Live on the Small Scale Life Podcast, it is Midweek Motivation featuring Tommy Cakes.
Hey, how are you? I am Tommy Cakes. Who am I? I’m a guy from someplace, friends with some people and doing some things. Don’t worry about it!
What I can tell you is that I am in the import and export business.
- I import knowledge
- I export that information at premium prices!
I will give you a little coastal cosmopolitan insight and motivation weekly on Small Scale Life.
Catching Up and Being Social with Tommy Cakes

Vodka Tonic in a Mason Jar over Ice. It was full at the start of the podcast! Social!!! – September 2018
My sincere apologies that I have been noticeably absent from the series of Small Scale Life Podcasts of late. Believe it or not, it has been since July 26th since my last Midweek Motivation Podcast, and that is a long time. I have been a busy boy doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that, traveling around the country taking care of business. In my own life, I have been roaring and going at full throttle, and I need to budget more time for these kind of podcast, because I do like being social with you.
Speaking of social, it’s time for a little drinky drink! It is time for a social. Are you ready for our first sip? Count it down with me and raise a glass….3….2….1…Social!
Delicious! That is really good!
Introduction – Go Full Throttle

My grandpa’s favorite drink: the Old Fashioned! Big Bird, as we called him, loved these cocktails….and martinis!
Have you ever started a task and your heart wasn’t in it? How did that work out for you? If you are like most people, that task probably didn’t turn out too well!
Maybe we all need to adopt the spirit of our friend and buddy Karma the Wonder Dog. Sure, she dug up a garden and some comfrey earlier this year, but Karma really is a good pup and embodies the “go full throttle” spirit.
Karma’s favorite activity is playing ball. She listens for when someone, especially me, puts on our shoes and opens the backdoor. Karma the Wonder Dog assumes that we are opening that door so she can play ball out in the backyard.
She gets very excited and comes running full speed. When she gets outside, she dances by jumping up on her hind legs and wags her tail like crazy.
When that opportunity to play ball presents itself, she completely focuses on that ball and will chase it down as fast as she can. Then, she jogs back and brings the ball back and lays it at my feet.
She reloads, picks up her right front leg and completely focuses on that ball. When I release the ball, she is off like a shot and completes the cycle again. This can go on for hours….literally.
Midweek Motivation Lesson – Go Full Throttle
Our Midweek Motivation Lesson this week is go full throttle on tasks and life with the same enthusiasm as Karma the Wonder Dog. Sure, some tasks seem menial, boring and tedious (a great example is going to the gym or the pool to work out). If you are going through the motions, you will do a poor job or eventually abandon the task (stop working out completely as you don’t meet your expectations of success).
Go full throttle. Put your best effort into the task and life. We only get one spin on this blue planet, and our time is limited. Get enthusiastic. Get excited. Attack for tasks and efforts like Karma the Wonder Dog.
Your best days are yet to come.
Special Thanks from Tommy Cakes

Zac Brown just might be Greg Burns…..Hmmm!
I would like to thank Greg Burns from Natures Image Farm and Doneil Freeman from Freeman Family Farms for the INSPIRATION to do this Midweek Motivation Podcast. You two ARE the wind beneath my wings!
Also I would like to thank Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) for the “Kool Kats” theme music. Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/.
Badda boom, badda bing! Dat’s how we do it!