Small Scale Life Podcast

Build a Life You Love…Find Out How


Monk Mode: The Path to Productivity or a Road to Burnout?

Monk Mode: The Path to Productivity or a Road to Burnout?

In this 244th Episode of the Small Scale Life Podcast, Hosts Tom and Adam discuss Monk Mode to determine if it is a path to productivity or a road to burnout. We also discuss Tommy Cakes Seed and Supply and what is happening at Modern Frontier Farm. Tom also agrees to a 24-Hour Fast, which will be executed later tat week (and results in a Just One More Thing Episode with Tom).

20 Simple Steps for Better Holiday Season

20 Simple Steps for Better Holiday Season

In this 237th Episode of the Small Scale Life Podcast, Adam and Tom discuss 20 Simple Steps for a Better Holiday Season.  By using these 20 Simple Steps, we cannot guarantee that you will have a joyous and calm holiday season, but we can definitely say that you will be lined up for success since you are ready mentally and have prepared for what is coming.