Transitions and the Growing Greens Challenge – S1E4
In this episode of the Small Scale Life Podcast, I discuss the following topics:
1) Transitions – It has been a quiet two week period on Small Scale Life Blog since Episode 3 of the Small Scale Life Podcast. Part of the problem has been the transition from moving Small Scale Gardening to Small Scale Life. This transition affected me a bit more than I thought, but the end is in sight! Facebook has been a bit slow due to rules in place for pages, but I will be completing the last transition during Valentines Day Weekend by changing the Small Scale Gardening Facebook page to the Small Scale Life Facebook page. UPDATE: I made the change on Valentines Day 2016.

The Small Scale Gardening Facebook Page is now Small Scale Life Facebook Page.- 2/14/16
2) Growing Greens Challenge – I am kicking off the Growing Green Challenge this weekend. For this challenge, I am going to grow enough greens (lettuce, spinach, kale, etc.) in my basement to effectively knock those items off our grocery list. I am setting up and planting the first round of greens on Valentines Day weekend, so I will have more about that coming up. In the meantime, I have been testing lights and bin configuration on shelving units in the cold basement. Here is what they look like on Valentines Day 2016.

Testing Bins and Grow Lights for the Growing Greens Challenge – 2/14/16
I mention or discuss the following sites and articles in this podcast:
Small Scale Life Blog –
Small Scale Gardening Blog –
Small Scale Life Facebook Page –
Small Scale Gardening Group Page –
Beatsby_Roi Lemon Water Chronicles Volume 1 – Beatsbyroi – Lemon-water-chronicles-vol-i
Your Turn
Do you start seeds in your house or buy plants from the store? Have you ever tried a Growing Greens Challenge like this? I am curious what your experience has been. More to come on soil, lights, timers and heating pads for my cold basement.
Learn. Do. Grow.