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Welcome to 2018, everyone! Back in 2016, one of my first interviews was with a guy who was kicking off his small market farming operation in Chilliwack, British Columbia. That guy is Scott Hebert, and his farm is called Flavourful Farms. Since that interview, Scott has been working hard on his farm, landing new clients, and starting a new podcast and Vlog! He is a busy guy. I am thrilled to Scott back on Small Scale Life to kick off the new year. In this podcast, we discuss a number of topics including farming, stoicism, his podcast Stoic Mettle, launching his Vlog, developing a tribe and growing and maintaining his beard. I had a lot of fun on this episode, even with a minor technical glitch and some background noise (on my end) that will be addressed in future shows.
One cool thing that happened during this interview was that Scott announced starting a weekly Vlog on his YouTube Channel. Here is the first episode:
Topics – Stoic Farming and Tribalism with Scott Hebert

As you can see, Scott has been incredibly busy since Season 1, Episode 9 of the Small Scale Life Podcast! Source: Flavourful Farms Instagram Page and
Scott Hebert and I discussed the following topics in this interview:
- Who is Scott Hebert?
- Flavourful Farms and Farming
- Starting the Farm
- Mindset
- Cost of Entry for Farming
- Case for Being Debt Free
- Pricing and Customers
- Plan for 2018
- Physical Requirements for Farming
- Bees and Chickens
- What would Scott do differently?
- Stoic Mettle, Stoicism and Tribalism
- Why stoicism? How does this relate to farming?
- Starting and revising the Stoic Mettle Podcast
- Stoicism, Tribe, and Friend Gap
- Future of Stoic Mettle
- Growing and Maintaining a Savage Beard
- Key Take-Aways from the Interview
Scott and I discussed the following links on this podcast:
- Flavourful Farms Website
- Stoic Mettle Podcast
- Scott Hebert’s new Vlog – Announced on Small Scale Life!
- Stoic Mettle Instagram and Facebook Pages
- Flavourful Farms Instagram and Facebook Pages
- Small Scale Life – Urban Farming with Scott Hebert – S1E9
- The Sample Hour
- Diego Footer’s Permaculture Voices – Scott has been on the show twice
- Curtis Stone’s YouTube Page – Scott has been on Curtis’ Vlog twice
Friends of Small Scale Life
Part of our mission here at Small Scale Life is to grow community, and that includes helping some friends grow their businesses and operations. Here are some of those businesses that are part of our Small Scale Life:

The Bee Whisperer helping others to learn, do and grow on their own!
Are you interested in bees, beekeeping, honey or mead? If you are, you need to check out A Bee Friendly Company out of Cheyenne, Wyoming! Michael Jordan, who is on The Survival Podcast Panel of Experts and has been on the Small Scale Life Podcast, is an actual bee whisperer. I am constantly amazed by the work that Michael is doing to improve apiaries and communities in his backyard, at the local school and across the country. Michael is broadcasting information on Facebook Live regularly, so check him out. If you are interested in bees, beekeeping, honey or mead, check out Michael Jordan’s A Bee Friendly Company on Facebook!
While we are on the subject of Greg Burns at Nature’s Image Farm, Greg has a number of products for sale including”
Use discount code SSL and get 10% off and free shipping. Make sure you tell Greg that he is Captain L:umbersquatch and that you are a Small Scale Life follower. Order today!
Photo courtesy of Aussie Flame Weeder
Aussie Flame Weeders makes stainless steel flame weeder manifolds. They are making manifold set available this month, and they expect to start shipping them all by the start of November. The manifold set up will contain:
- Custom manifold to suit 30-inch bed
- Five stainless steel German made burners that can removed to be cleaned, changed or replaced
- LPG equipment to suit a standard propane bottle
- Flint lighter
This a perfect tool for your urban farm, market garden and regenerative agriculture-based homestead.
Check Aussie Flame Weeder out using the following links:
- Aussie Flame Weeder website is
- Aussie Flame Weeder on Facebook is
aussieflameweeders/?ref= bookmarks
A FREE short e-book about flame weeding is available at the website if you sign up to the email list!
Ways to Listen
We have several options for you to listen to the Small Scale Life Podcast. You may listen in the following locations: