For our 200th Episode of the Small Scale Life Podcast, Julie and I talk about the Top 10 Surprises Moving to the Country from the City or the Suburbs.
In 2020, Julie and I made the decision to go “all in” on a small farm in Western Wisconsin. We talked about that decision and our decision to sell Eagels Ridge here, and you can hear the story about how things just fell into line…like it was always supposed to be.
We moved to Driftless Oaks Farm in September 2021. This is our first winter here, and we have learned a lot about the house, the property and all the other things that come with “going country.” Julie and I were recently on Amy Dingmann’s A Farmish Kind of Life talking about some of these things, and we decided that this topic was a good one for our 200th Episode.
Top 10 Surprises Moving to the Country
These are our Top 10 Surprises Moving to the Country:
- Internet IS an issue. Solution: hotspot from cell phone provider, and STARLINK
- Shopping is a strategically planned event. Most stores are far away, and you can’t just run out to grab something “quick.”
- Restaurants and stores close early or aren’t open certain days and certain seasons. We did get used to everything being open 24/7 before the pandemic, but things sure are different when you are moving to the country!
- You have to make an effort to get to know your neighbors. Have to take the initiative, you won’t just bump into them on your way into the house from the garage.
- Furry friends ARE a reality. You will encounter them, both outside… AND inside.
- You will need a lot of equipment to maintain your property. Truck, Plow, riding lawnmower, chainsaw, trailer, 4-wheeler, log splitter, eventually tractor.
- Old farmhouses have a lot of issues and Farmer Bob probably did a lot of jenky shit. “Farmer Fixes.” You can’t just hire everything done and you will become DIY Jedi. Google and YouTube will be your best friends. Creativity and innovation are necessary and will be rewarded….just not with mission critical stuff like plumbing and wiring.
- You will also find a lot of hillybilly heaps where Farmer Bob randomly decided to toss old farm equipment and other random crap in the woods.
- You will learn to pay VERY close attention to the weather. Winter storms, rain, wind and…MUD SEASON.
- You will never experience anything like the stars and moon at night in the country.
- BONUS: Finding a place with so much history: the homestead, the Driftless Area, Laura Ingalls Wilder….now we are part of that story and adding our own chapters to the history and story of this place.
Recent Appearances – Links
I was recently on the following Podcasts or Livestreams talking about Small Scale Life, Driftless Oaks Farm or equipment we use at the farm.
A Farmish Kind of Life – Julie and I were guests on Amy Dingmann’s A Farmish Kind of Life. Click this text to listen to the episode.
Toolman Tim’s Workshop – I talk with Toolman Tim about Side Hustles (and how I don’t have one yet).
Toolman Tim’s Workshop Community Member Spotlight – I talk about my favorite tool this season here at Drifless Oaks Farm: the SnowBear Plow.
In Closing….
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