
Making Your Mind, Body and Soul a Priority:

Restart, Reset and Begin the Journey to Become the Best You!

tarting April 1, 2024, Willow River Yoga and Small Scale Life are working together to facilitate a Whole30 Challenge. We are offering to all that are interested.


What is the Whole30 Challenge?

The Whole30 Challenge is a 30 day experiment that you conduct on yourself. During this month, we remove dairy, breads, grains, legumes (beans), rice, sugar (including honey and maple syrup), processed foods, alcohol, and soda from our diet.

By cutting out the processed foods and eating clean, fresh, healthy foods, we are resetting our mind and bodies.

After 30 days of clean eating, we will reintroduce those processed or inflammatory foods and see how our bodies react. This will allow us to see what we can eat, what we probably should eat on special occasions and what we should steer clear from altogether.

Armed with this information, you can create a lifestyle that is FOR YOU.


What are we doing for the Whole30 Challenge?

 Julie and I just completed our 2024 Whole30 Challenge on March 12, 2024. We are just finishing the re-introduction phase of the Challenge, and we had great results!

We want to try this again and provide opportunities for others to go through this with us. As part of this Whole30 Challenge, we are planning to provide the following:


  • Small Scale Life Wellness Club – A Facebook community of like-minded folks to share experiences, recipes and ideas as we go through this Whole30 Challenge
  • New 24 Hour Plan – A one page form that you can use to plan your day and your meals. This has been updated since we introduced it in 2019
  • Whole30 Rules of the Challenge
  • Shopping List
  • Recipes of Favorite Meals – Recipes will be posted at smallscalelife.com
  • Videos from Tom on the Small Scale Life YouTube Channel
  • Free Online Yoga Classes through Willow River Yoga
  • Weekly “Food for Thought” emails from Tom about this Whole30 Challenge, Small Scale Life Podcast and Willow River Yoga
  • Encouragement, tips, tricks and some adventures along the way!



Is there a cost for this Whole30 Challenge?

No. This is FREE and for every person with every body type out there.

 You don’t need to have any experience with Whole30 or yoga to do this challenge.

Sign up above.  Did we mention it is FREE?


What is the Whole 30 Challenge Schedule?

Whole30; Whole30 Challenge; Clean Eating; Healthy Living; Wellness; Schedule; Timeline

We begin on April 1, 2024, but we are using the week of April 1 to prepare for the challenge to begin.  Draw down on your consumption of sugars, processed foods, alcohol, soda, diet soda, dairy and breads. The real work begins before April 7th, 2024, because you will need to get groceries that are “Whole30 Approved.”  We will provide a shopping list for you this week, but one can be found here: Whole30 Shopping List

The timeline for this challenge is below:

Week of April 1, 2024 – Prep Week

April 8, 2024 – The Whole30 Challenge Starts

May 7, 2024 – Day 30 of the Whole 30 Challenge

May 8, 2024 – Reintroduction Phase Begins



Links to Learn more about the Whole30 Challenge….

From the 2024 Whole30 Challenge

From the 2020 Whole30 Challenge


One more important note:

Small Scale Life and Willow River Yoga remind you that we are not licensed doctors, therapists, nutritionists or health care professionals.  You should always consult a professional before starting any practice.  All information shared on Small Scale Life or the Small Scale Life Podcast are for informational and inspirational purposes.  Results will always vary, and participation in any practice or activity is completely voluntary and at your own risk.

That said, keep learning, doing, growing and being a little better everyday.

You got this!

Monk Mode: The Path to Productivity or a Road to Burnout?

Monk Mode: The Path to Productivity or a Road to Burnout?

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