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Today’s episode of the Small Scale Life Podcast is actually the second part of my interview with Doneil Freeman. Who is Doneil Freeman? He is a husband, father (a Regenerative Dad), permaculturist, regenerative farmer, beekeeper, teacher and a fellow podcaster. He operates the Freeman Family Farm in Calhan, Colorado. Doneil has experience beekeeping, rebuilding soil in arid places and regenerating overgrazed pastures. He also has extensive experience with Wicking Beds to grow all kinds of vegetables!
This is the second part of my interview with Doneil. If you want to catch the first, listen to Episode 30 of the Small Scale Life Podcast. In this episode, we discuss Doneil’s wicking beds and the Regenerative Dad’s podcast.. I am pretty excited about this podcast because it is launching a new series at Small Scale Life about wicking beds and how awesome they are!
Topics – Wicking Beds and Regenerative Dads

Freeman Family Farms – Wicking Beds
Doneil and I discussed the following topics in Part 2 of our two part interview:
- Wicking Beds in Arid Environments
- Second-hand watering troughs
- Liners – Pond liner and 6mm liner
- Compost
- Mulch
- Charging the system
- Regenerative Dads Podcast
- What is the subject?
- Why is this important?
- Where is it going?
- Putting It All Together
- Wicking Bed Nation
- Upcoming shows

Freeman Family Farms – Wicking Beds
Doneil and I covered a lot of ground in this podcast including the following links:
- Doneil Freeman on Facebook
- Freeman Family Farms
- Regenerative Dads Podcast Website
- Regenerative Dads on iTunes
- Regenerative Dads interview with Daniel Salatin
- The Sample Hour Episode 171 – Hogtoberfest 2017
- Small Scale Life – Regenerative Agriculture with Doneil Freeman – S2E30
Friends of Small Scale Life

The Bee Whisperer helping others to learn, do and grow on their own!
Are you interested in bees, beekeeping, honey or mead? If you are, you need to check out A Bee Friendly Company out of Cheyenne, Wyoming! Michael Jordan, who is on The Survival Podcast Panel of Experts and has been on the Small Scale Life Podcast, is an actual bee whisperer. I am constantly amazed by the work that Michael is doing to improve apiaries and communities in his backyard, at the local school and across the country. Michael is broadcasting information on Facebook Live regularly, so check him out. If you are interested in bees, beekeeping, honey or mead, check out Michael Jordan’s A Bee Friendly Company on Facebook!
While we are on the subject of Greg Burns at Nature’s Image Farm, Greg has a number of products for sale including”
Use discount code SSL and get 10% off and free shipping. Make sure you tell Greg that he is Captain L:umbersquatch and that you are a Small Scale Life follower. Order today!
Photo courtesy of Aussie Flame Weeder
Aussie Flame Weeders makes stainless steel flame weeder manifolds. They are making manifold set available this month, and they expect to start shipping them all by the start of November. The manifold set up will contain:
- Custom manifold to suit 30-inch bed
- Five stainless steel German made burners that can removed to be cleaned, changed or replaced
- LPG equipment to suit a standard propane bottle
- Flint lighter
This a perfect tool for your urban farm, market garden and regenerative agriculture-based homestead.
Check Aussie Flame Weeder out using the following links:
- Aussie Flame Weeder website is
- Aussie Flame Weeder on Facebook is
aussieflameweeders/?ref= bookmarks
A FREE short e-book about flame weeding is available at the website if you sign up to the email list!
Small Scale Life Facebook Group – This group will get you a backstage pass and access to other members of the Small Scale Life Community. We will discuss gardening, healthy lifestyle, frugal living and having adventures along the way! This is also your chance to see what is coming up on Small Scale Life, see some content not shared on the blog, and ask questions of future guests. Join the Small Scale Life Facebook Community today!
Ways to Listen
We have several options for you to listen to the Small Scale Life Podcast. You may listen in the following locations: