Season 1, Episode 2 – Grow What You Eat
In this episode of the Small Scale Life Podcast, I discuss my “Grow What You Eat” theme for my gardens and the Small Scale Gardening Blog. Specifically, the following topics are discussed in this podcast:
- My background in gardening – where it all began
- Why I started the Small Scale Gardening Blog
- The varieties of herbs and vegetables grown over the years (25 varieties of herbs and vegetables!)
- The “Grow What You Eat” Theme
- The varieties of herbs and vegetables that will be in my raised beds in 2016
- Various projects that will support the “Grow What You Eat” theme
Reducing Varieties

Grow what you eat: tomatoes and cucumbers make the cut – 8/23/2015
After thinking about the amount of produce I have grown in the past few years, I have made some decisions about the 2016 growing season. I am reducing the variety of vegetables and herbs I will grow in 2016 for the following two reasons:
- Focus on developing more skills for growing herbs and vegetables our family eats
- Reduce the amount of herbs and vegetables that are wasted/composted each year
I want to develop and improve my skills for growing these 10 varieties of herbs and vegetables. I will cut down on the varieties of herbs and vegetables so I can really hone my skills. I want exceptionally productive plants this year, and I need to improve my skills and techniques to help in the process.
At the same time, we simply were not efficient with the herbs and vegetables I grew in the past year. We need to get the harvested produce processed and on the table in 2016. I am determined to cut down on the produce composted. Growing what we eat will really help with that.
I am really excited about this year, and I will be keeping you updated on my progress on the Small Scale Gardening Blog and Small Scale Life Podcast. Stay tuned! Let’s get things done in 2016!
Learn. Do. Grow.
Related Links
I mention or discuss the following sites and articles in this podcast:
1) Small Scale Life Blog –
2) Small Scale Gardening –
3) Cranberry-Jalapeno Jelly –…peno-jelly/
4) Indoor Gardening –…-made-easy/
5) March of the Aphids –…the-aphids/
6) Square Foot Gardening –
7) Beatsby_Roi Lemon Water Chronicles Volume 1 – Beatsbyroi – Lemon-water-chronicles-vol-i
8) Jay’s A Crash Into Life Blog –