In this episode of the Small Scale Life Podcast, I am discussing the new weekly post in the Small Scale Life Facebook Group called my “weekend three things.”  I also include a summary of the Zac Brown Band Concert in Minneapolis,  Julie’s first triathlon and much, much more!

This truly is a verbal potpourri episode, so grab a cocktail or your coffee, settle in and enjoy the ride.  This is a comfy little podcast full of stories and tales.  The point of this podcast is to stay grounded using the Weekend Three Things threads in the Small Scale Life Facebook Group, have some adventures on the weekend and of course learn, do and grow!

Download (53.2 MB, 58 mins 4 secs)

Weekend Three Things

Weekend Three Things, Focus, Mindset, Goals, Productivity, Small Scale Life Podcast, Simple Living, Live Simply, Zac Brown Band, Triathlon, Healthy Lifestyle

It seems that our weekends have gotten extremely busy these days!  We pack them full of activities, chores and to do’s.  We continue our chaotic weekday pace from the moment we dash out of work on Friday until we finally collapse on Sunday. It is madness at times, and it is a shame that we sometimes look to work on Monday as a break from our crazy weekend schedule!

At the same time, weekends are an opportunity to catch up around our homes and on our properties. We pack our to do lists with all kinds of tasks and chores, and suddenly we have an endless list of to do’s.  It can be overwhelming!

As we go through all of these activities and endless to do’s, the question is: are we completing tasks and activities  that are getting us closer to our overall goals?

I bet the answer is probably no.

How can we work some of those critical things into our endless to do lists?  Fortunately, I happened to be listening to Nicole Sauce from the Living Free In Tennessee Podcast, and she had developed an ingenious way to get folks to focus on the important and necessary tasks in our lives.

She calls it the “My Three Things” movement.

In Episode 87 of her podcast, she discusses the importance of setting up My Three Things and how you can really be very productive when you focus on just three things.  Too many times we pile on things and end up not completing any because we get overwhelmed and procrastinate.

This resonated with me.  I am one to develop mile-long lists and then get none of it done.  It comes back to my squirrel-like personality (because I am a life-long ENFP personality type).

Weekends are busy for me.  I tend to stack too much on my plate, and I needed a way to focus on a few things.  I borrowed from Nicole (totally trying to give you credit, Nicole) and rolled out the Weekend Three Things in the Small Scale Life Facebook Group.

Folks responded to these posts and have been writing down their three things.  We document our weekend three things on Friday, and I check back in with folks on Sunday night or Monday to see what was accomplished.  Sometimes we get all three of them done; sometimes we get one things done.

It’s really okay if you don’t get them all done, but it is interesting to see what we are all working on and what we are trying to accomplish in a couple days.  Sometimes, we are a bit too aggressive with our goals and bite off more than we can chew.  Part of this process is learning and understanding what we can do in a given amount of time and, more importantly, what we cannot do.

It is my hope that people really start using their weekends to continue to learn, do and grow….and have a lot of fun as they do it.  It is also my hope that folks with be inspired to try something new and engage with other members.  As I discussed in my Community Podcast, it is much more fun to have a community sharing and engaging as they complete tasks. 


Zac Brown Band

Weekend Three Things, Focus, Mindset, Goals, Productivity, Small Scale Life Podcast, Simple Living, Live Simply, Zac Brown Band, Triathlon, Healthy Lifestyle

Zac Brown just might be Greg Burns…..Hmmm!

Zac Brown came to the Twin Cities, and we had to go.  It was definitely on my Weekend Three Things that week!  Julie bought tickets for our whole family, and we were all really excited to go.  It was so fun to go to a concert with my boys, Savannah and of course the lovely Julie.

Zac Brown has a list of hit songs that are a mile long.  If you listen to country music, chances are good that you have heard Chicken Fried, Toes, Keep Me in Mind, Free and Homegrown!  We love Zac Brown in our house, and it was a lot of fun seeing my boys and Julie singing along with every song.

We had never been to see the Zac Brown Band, but many folks have recommended going.  One of those folks is my sister.  She raved about it so much that it is the running joke in our family that the Zac Brown Band is “the best concert ever.”  After going, I have to agree with her.  I guess it isn’t a joke anymore (it’s still a great in-house meme).

It was great to hear Zac Brown lead off with “Homegrown.”  That is the anthem of the Small Scale Life Facebook Group.  Every time we get a new member in the Group, I welcome them and post the Homegrown song in their welcome post.  I will continue to welcome folks to future Groups and Forums using this song.  It  just captures the essence of homesteading and simple living, and I will post more about this song in the future.


Julie’s First Triathlon

Weekend Three Things, Focus, Mindset, Goals, Productivity, Small Scale Life Podcast, Simple Living, Live Simply, Zac Brown Band, Triathlon, Healthy Lifestyle

Julie and Lisa – Finishers! August 12, 2018

On Sunday, August 12th, Julie and our friend Lisa participated in the 2018 Minneapolis YWCA Triathlon.  It was Julie’s first triathlon, and she was one of 1400 women that signed up and participated in this event. Women of all ages (from 11 to 75+ years old) signed up and participated!  It was impressive!

The Triathlon consisted of a 500 yard swim, 15.5-mile bike ride and a 3.1-mile run.  The weather was incredibly hot and humid. I don’t know how these ladies got it done in that heat and humidity.

It was really impressive that these ladies worked so hard to prepare for this event.  Just finishing was quite a feat, and I am very proud of Julie and Lisa.  Way to go ladies!

Garden Update

Weekend Three Things, Focus, Mindset, Goals, Productivity, Small Scale Life Podcast, Simple Living, Live Simply, Zac Brown Band, Triathlon, Healthy Lifestyle

Ooops! The zucchini might have bought it. Womp Womp! – August 2018

At the end of the podcast, I talk about my garden and the infamous squash borers that have taken out my zucchini.  There is no joy in Mudville for the zucchini!  I removed the squash borers from the stem of my biggest zucchini, but as I was pruning some dying leaves, I snapped the main stem.  I covered up the stem and watered the heck out of it.  Zucchini will regrow roots, but with this heat and this late in the season, we’ll see.

Regardless, I am gearing up for fall.  I want to plant a lot of greens and get some cover crops (green beans or peas or something else) planted in the beds.  I know I will have new garden beds next year, but I can improve the soil I have this fall.

Closing Notes

eekend Three Things, Focus, Mindset, Goals, Productivity, Small Scale Life Podcast, Simple Living, Live Simply, Zac Brown Band, Triathlon, Healthy Lifestyle

I got everything I need; nothin that I don’t! – August 11, 2018

It has been busy around the Domres’ Urban Homestead lately.  Since recording these two podcasts, the boys are gearing up for college.  This past weekend, we said goodbye to Ryan and moved him down to his house in Winona, Minnesota.  Our little home project is underway.  I am behind with my fall plantings, corn relish, salsa and dilly bean production, so I am going to have to moving on those while getting this home project finished.  It is never dull around here!

At least there are things to listen to as you complete your tasks!  As I mentioned at the end of the podcast, check out Greg Burns, Daniel Bokros and James Blask on the Contrarian Beekeeper Podcast. It is brand new on a  on a number of platforms, and you can find it here:

At the same time, we have had some great podcasts up on Small Scale Life!  Check out the latest podcasts on Small Scale Life including the Importance of Building Community Around You and Homesteading for Beginners: Start with Why – Part 1. Those are some great podcasts that should get your noggin joggin!  Besides, Part 2 of the Homesteading for Beginners: Start with the Way is coming on Wednesday!