Workout Plan – Week of April 3, 2016

Another week has passed, and it is Monday!  Where has the time gone?  I hope you all had an excellent weekend and are getting after your goals today.  This is the first week of Awesome April!  What does that mean?  You will have to wait for the next post before you find out, but I can honestly say that April is going to be jammed packed with some excellent activities that will make for some entertaining reading and listening.

With all of the planned activities on the books, I need to stay focused on my weight loss journey and complete workouts and tracking.  One way I am going to stay focused is by planning my exercises and posting them here on Small Scale Life (accountability), so here is a summary of last week and my workout plan for the Week of April 3, 2016.

Week of March 27, 2016

Dumbbells at the gym YMCA

Time to lift! Dumbbells at the YMCA on 3/23/16

Last week started out really well, but once again, I did not finish the planned workouts at the end of the week. The reality is that I am slacking at the tail end of the week and did not complete the work.

While the workouts might have tailed off, I actively tracked my food choices with the My Fitness Pal App, and I am close to hitting my daily goals each day.  I am seeing a little progress on the scale, so I to keep that momentum on the scale, I need to stay focused and keep pushing at the end of the week.

Day   Planned Exercise  Actual Exercise  Time 
Sunday 3/27/16 None – Easter None
Monday 3/28/16 Swim 1 mile Swam 1 mile  0:57:40
Tuesday 3/29/16 Swim 1 mile Swam 1 mile  0:56:00
Wednesday  3/30/16  Bike for 60 minutesLight Weights – Upper Body Bike for 17.2 miles  1:05:00
Thursday 3/31/16  Swim 1 miles  Bike 12 miles (Ave RPM 85)  0:45:30
Friday 4/1/16 Lift Weights – Leg Day! None
Saturday  4/2/16  Bike 60 minutes None

Week of April 3, 2016

Pool YMCA Ridgedale, Minnesota

The pool lanes are open; time to get stuff done!

Moving forward this week, I am not sure what Ryan’s plans for lifting weights are for this AAU season.  Looking forward towards this weekend, I can see that we are going to be pressed for time due to a basketball tournament.  At a minimum, I need to keep up with my cardio.  I am planning three days of lifting weights since I want to work in some strength training as well.

For this week, my workout plan is listed below.  Note that I missed working out on Monday (not a great start to the week), so that means I need to push myself to work on the weekend.  I need to break that end of week slacking anyway, so this might be a good start.

Day Planned Exercise Actual Exercise Time
Sunday 4/3/16


Exercise Bike

Kettlebell Exercises

Exercise Bike – 11 miles

20 minutes

41 minutes

Monday 4/4/16

Spin Cycle Class


None – I am shifting the

workout to 4/5/16

Tuesday 4/5/16

Lift Weights – Upper Body


Upper Body Weights

Exercise Bike – 12 miles

40 minutes

48 minutes

Wednesday 4/6/16

Lift Weights – Leg Day!

Exercise Bike

Leg Day Weights

Swam – 3/4 mile

30 minutes

50 minutes

 Thursday 4/7/16 Swimming Exercise Bike – 12 miles 48 minutes
Friday 4/8/16

Lift Weights – Upper Body


 Swam 3/4 mile  50 minutes
Saturday 4/9/16 Exercise Bike

Worked with Julia’s Blooms

delivering a wedding

 Final Thoughts This Week

We are starting over: each week; each day.  We start anew. When we fail, we need to get up and try again.

Awesome April….we are going to be busy at Small Scale Life, so I have to stay focused on getting workouts in and tracking everything I am eating.  It can be frustrating to get really busy and suddenly realize at the end of the day that you have not tracked any food choices or gotten a workout completed.  That certainly happened to Julie and me on Saturday, when we just ran out of time before our Date Night (more to come on that).

Regardless of what is happening, I need to stay focused and get the workouts done.  Even when I have a bad day, and I fail.  No matter what happens, I have to remember the meme I created last week:

[tweetthis]War isn’t won or lost in a week. You have to pick yourself up, reset and push forward until you achieve your goal[/tweetthis]